Stay Germ-Free

Cancer treatment can weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to infection and illness. It’s important that you take extra precautions to keep infection at bay.

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water.
  • Never share your cosmetic and personal care products.
  • Use only clean disposable cotton balls, sponges, cotton swabs or pads to apply cosmetics, and dispose of applicators after each use.
  • Use spatulas to remove product from containers, rather than using your fingers.
  • Close all lids tightly and promptly after use.
  • Don’t ‘double dip’ a used applicator.
  • At the makeup counter, test products on your hand or wrist, not on your face.
  • Don’t use false lashes; they encourage bacteria growth.
  • Avoid permanent makeup procedures, as they involve tattooing.
  • Avoid shaving treated areas until treatment has finished.
  • Keep your distance from children who have been recently immunized with ‘live virus’ vaccines, such as chicken pox, polio or measles.
  • Take extra care to avoid burns when ironing or cooking.
  • Avoid cleaning cat litter boxes or birdcages.







Purchase creams in a squeeze tube, to help you avoid 'double dipping’ into a jar.


Refrain from pumping the mascara wand in the tube as this dries out mascara and may introduce bacteria.