Making the Transition – Managing Hair Loss

Hair loss is probably the most noticeable, and some would say traumatic, effect that cancer treatment may cause.


You can make the transition a lot easier by taking control and preparing for hair loss. Here are some helpful tips:


  • As soon as your treatment is booked, make an appointment at a wig salon that caters to people with cancer.
  • Consider getting a shorter haircut.
  • Keep your hair and scalp clean through regular, gentle washing with a mild shampoo and conditioner.
  • Gently dry your hair with a towel.
  • Take extra care when brushing your hair during hair loss.
  • Protect your scalp from the sun by wearing a hat.
  • Don’t shave your hair off completely, as a nick or cut to the scalp can increase the risk of infection.
  • Avoid using hair dryers, curling irons, hot rollers and flat irons.




“There’s nothing to fear about hair loss. You’re going to be bald, that’s the truth. Just stay positive. It’s only hair, and it will come back.”
- Joy Harle, Cancer Survivor


“Try wearing a soft stretch or flannel cap when sleeping to help keep your head warm. You may also want to use a satin-like pillowcase to minimize tugging on your hair.”